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Enhancing Instructor Onboarding and Course Management for a Mental Health Non-Profit

A mental health non-profit organization faced challenges in managing the onboarding of new instructors and the creation and distribution of course materials. The manual processes were inefficient and time-consuming, resulting in delays and increased administrative burdens. To address these challenges, our team developed a comprehensive automation solution aimed at streamlining these processes, enhancing efficiency, and allowing the organization to focus more on its core mission of promoting mental health.


The organization's existing system for onboarding instructors, creating classes, and distributing course information was predominantly manual. This included tasks such as form filling, data entry, scheduling, and material distribution, which were all time-consuming and prone to errors. Additionally, managing the availability of instructors and the process of assigning them to courses was cumbersome and inefficient. The need for an integrated solution to streamline these processes was evident to improve overall efficiency and instructor satisfaction.


Our automation solution leveraged a combination of JotForms, Google Sheets, Trello, (formerly Integromat), and custom Python scripts to create a seamless end-to-end process for onboarding instructors and managing courses.

Features of the Solution

  1. Automated Instructor Onboarding: Using JotForms, new instructors could submit their information, which was then automatically populated into a Google Sheet for easy access and management.

  2. Dynamic Course Creation: Custom Python scripts and integrations allowed for the automatic creation of classes and course information, reducing manual data entry and ensuring consistency.

  3. Support Material Preparation: The system automated the distribution and preparation of support materials for each course, ensuring that instructors had all the necessary resources well in advance.

  4. Instructor Management: The solution included features for managing the availability of instructors, with automated updates to Google Sheets reflecting their current status and qualifications.

  5. Trello Board Posting: New courses and available teaching slots were automatically posted on Trello boards, enabling instructors to bid on courses they were interested in teaching. This not only streamlined the allocation process but also empowered instructors by giving them a choice in the courses they wished to teach.


The implementation of this automated invoicing system revolutionized the administrative aspect of providing assistance to handicapped individuals. The benefits were immediate and significant:​

  1. Increased Efficiency: The time required for onboarding instructors and setting up courses was reduced by over 60%, allowing the organization to scale up its offerings without a proportional increase in administrative workload.

  2. Improved Accuracy: Automation significantly reduced human errors associated with data entry and course scheduling, leading to smoother operations and higher quality course offerings.

  3. Enhanced Instructor Satisfaction: The streamlined process and the ability for instructors to bid on courses they were interested in led to increased satisfaction and engagement among the teaching staff.

  4. Better Resource Allocation: With the reduction in administrative tasks, staff could allocate more time to improving course content, instructor training, and student support, directly contributing to the organization's mission.


The automation of the onboarding and course management processes for the mental health non-profit organization demonstrates the transformative power of technology in streamlining complex administrative tasks. By leveraging tools like JotForms, Google Sheets, Trello,, and Python, the organization was able to enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and improve satisfaction among its instructors.

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